
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Writing Wednesday

Writing emails is the best way to request coupons from manufacturers.

It's quick, easy and there's no postage!

I LOVE to get coupons in my mailbox.

Don't be afraid to give these companies your phone number.  This just shows that

you are legitimate.  (I have never had a company call me.)

Some of the companies respond to my email with a big, fat NO, but I don't let

that discourage me.  The YESes far outweigh the NOs.

Here's a list of some manufacturers to get you started:

Wish Bone Dressing


ConAgra Foods


Morton Salt

Want to find some more companies to email?

Start by checking your OWN freezer and pantry to see what products you actually use.

Still need ideas?

Visit Couponing To Disney!  Love, Love, Love this site!
